Orders are covered by our Permanent Fans Guarantee. These fans are guaranteed and any lost fans will be replaced free of charge for the duration of your campaign.
Yes. Every person who decides to leave a comment on your video leaves it by their own free will. These comments are from real people, and are not from bots, proxies, or scripts.
Unfortunately, no. We cannot control what these users say as ultimately, we can't tell them what to do. We share your video in a positive light, so chances are, the comment will be positive towards the video. We recommend starting with a small order so you can evaluate what the comments will look like before placing additional orders.
The comments will arrive on your video in a slow and natural fashion. We don't send multiple comments from the same IP range with bots or automated software like a lot of YouTube marketing companies do; this is one of the quickest ways to get your YouTube account in some serious trouble. Instead, we market your video real human people and encourage conversation on your video. They will comment if they choose on their own free will, and will say what they want to say. This is the best way to create engagement on your video.
There's not much we can do about that, unfortunately; it comes with the territory of YouTube. If this is your first negative comment, congratulations, welcome you YouTube, you're now official! YouTube is plagued with negative comments, and the comments you receive probably won't all be praising your craftsmanship or your video-taking abilities. However, we promote your video in a positive light, and we do our best to keep the comments on your videos positive. If you receive a comment you don't like, simply click the thumbs down icon to "Dislike" it, and eventually it will be hidden by other users clicking the thumbs down icon.