
Facebook Shares

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Number of Likes & Shares: 5-10 per post
Max Number of Posts Per Day: 3
Total: $33/mo
Facebook Fan Page URL

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If you have delivery time requirements, please email us after placing your order. By placing your order, you agree to the Boostlikes terms of service.

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Orders are covered by our Permanent Fans Guarantee. These fans are guaranteed and any lost fans will be replaced free of charge for the duration of your campaign.

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What is a Facebook status share?

When you post something to your Facebook wall, your fans and followers have the option (if they like your post) to share it with their own followers and fans. This is called sharing a status. We can help your status get more shares, and thus increasing it's Edge Rank and visibility to your other friends.

What is the benefit of having more Facebook shares?

Facebook's algorithm, Edge Rank, is based heavily on engagement. This means that pages that have more shares have content that is higher quality, as content that is shared more often is often more interesting and entertaining, which means that Facebook will display it higher in their newsfeeds. After all, Facebook wants their users to be interested and engaged in the content they read. This is the brilliance of buying Facebook shares.

Are shares the same thing as likes?

No; shares and likes are two different things. If you want both shares and likes, you'll have to order "Status Likes", aka Post/Photo/Picture likes, in addition to these Facebook Shares. This way, your post will have both Facebook Likes and Shares for maximum exposure.

Can I choose country targeting for the people who share my link?

No; unfortunately, anybody who decides to like your page will like it, regardless of country of origin. If this is an issue, we recommend paying for Facebook Ads to promote your status, or using the "Boost Post" feature. We can help increase the shares of your status, but the country of origin will vary.

What is better, Facebook shares or Facebook likes?

When it comes to Facebook shares versus Facebook likes on your status, it is generally agreed that Facebook shares are more valuable. This is for two main reasons. The first reason is that Facebook shares will increase your Edge Rank, which we touched on a bit above. The second reason is that Facebook shares drive quite a bit more traffic than Facebook likes, as they are posted directly to the user's newsfeed (as opposed to being hidden from the user's friends). If a user that shares a link to their wall has a significant amount of friends, it can drive dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of visitors to a link within a short time, leading to additional likes and shares, which can be very valuable and powerful.

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